The Relationship Between Unrecognized Inflation Gain or Loss, Future Cash Flows and Abnormal Returns of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange


Isfahan University


In inflationary conditions, the financial information that can help to predict future profitability and return on investment is useful. Review of previous research shows that if unrecognized inflation gains or losses be revealed over time, it can help to predict future cash flows. Also, if the impact on future cash flows is not recognized by the capital market, unrecognized inflation gains or losses can affect the future returns of the stock. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between unrecognized inflation gain or loss and future operating cash flows, cash flows from the sale of assets, and subsequent abnormal returns on classified portfolios. Multivariate regression models have been applied to a sample of 100 firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange, using the systematic elimination, during the period of 1999-2011, to test research hypotheses. We also used combined data and the Limer F test and the Hasman test have been used to identify the type of the combined data. The findings indicate that an increase in unrecognized inflation gain or loss leads to an increase in future cash flows from the sale of assets and reduce future operating cash flows and also abnormal returns of classified portfolios.


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